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關於life goes on的評價, 賴賴 & 織織

You're beautiful. キミは美しい 너 아름답다. 妳很美。 ⠀ ⠀ 異位性皮膚炎 Atopic dermatitis,簡稱AD。 直到半年前,對我來說都只是維基百科上的陌生文字,現在卻...

關於bts life goes on的評價,

210322💊玧函的處方箋 平時無聊很愛看一些YOUTUBER的影片🤣 有天看劉芒分享全身上下TOP10的痣🤔 在影片前面說有三個厲害的桃花痣💮 然後 金泰亨都有 他三個桃花痣都有 他 都 有...

關於life goes on bts的評價,

210322💊玧函的處方箋 平時無聊很愛看一些YOUTUBER的影片🤣 有天看劉芒分享全身上下TOP10的痣🤔 在影片前面說有三個厲害的桃花痣💮 然後 金泰亨都有 他三個桃花痣都有 他 都 有...

Video - 9A1B for Bella ... Bella just completed her Sekolah Rendah Agama Exams and 9A1B for her - Alhamdulillah . And a B in Khat . I think she really worked hard to get that iPad I promised - but only if it’s 10A’s . Haha Bella usually excels in whatever she does whether it Sports or Academic . We have collected many medals of the girls achievement both Bella & Tasha hanging on the wall as a source of inspiration to achieve higher . She’s strong-willed , determined & passionate in whatever she does . Somehow she enjoys whatever Classes we enrolled her into . Her secret ... ? She pays attention in Class . And how do I know that ? Because she seems to know every topic goes to which subjects in those 10 subjects . She’s doing great at her SJKC too . She’s a Head Class at SRA and wanting to become a Prefect badly at SJKC . In fact she’s excel in TaeKwanDo with medals hoping that she would be one . She joined Debate , Gymnastics , Dancing just for the hope of wanting to be a prefect at SJKC . Haha Hopefully she will next year ... Kudos Bella - May you succeed in life one day . Daddy will always be proud of you . You have achieved more than I did at that age . Surely there will be more achievements in years to come . InsyaAllah Good Morning Everyone . Love As Always .... Just sharing ... PS - No iPad for the time being .... PSS - Daddy was a Head Prefect & a Champion National Storyteller back then at Standard 6 . Do try to beat that ... 😘

Video - 9A1B for Bella ... Bella just completed he...